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Friday, November 30, 2018


PREVENTEX est une entreprise certifiée ISO 9001:2015.

Elle se veut être l'un des leaders du vêtements de protection et d'équipements de protection individuelle (EPI).

Nos produits se font dans le respect des normes liées au vêtement de travail.

PREVENTEX a créé une gamme dynamique de marques de vêtements professionnels pour les distributeurs comme pour les consommateurs finaux.

Toutes nos marques ont comme objectif commun, de fournir aux travailleurs des vêtements fonctionnels avec un niveau de sécurité et de protection adapté à leur métier et à leur environnement.

Ainsi, chaque marque que nous distribuons est le fruit d'une expertise dans son domaine spécifique. 

Notre mission est de permettre aux professionnels de bénéficier des meilleures conditions de travail en vue d'améliorer leur productivité.

Une entreprise dynamique, en croissance solide, innovante et responsable.

Preventex est un créateur, un fabricant et un distributeur de vêtements de travail et d’EPI.

Preventex est une entreprise, dynamique, en croissance solide, qui a su satisfaire de nombreux clients aux exigences pointues dans des secteurs aussi variés que l’industrie, la santé, le transport, l’hôtellerie, la sécurité ou les services.

Toutes nos gammes de produits ont un objectif commun : fournir aux travailleurs des vêtements fonctionnels avec un niveau de sécurité et de protection le plus adapté à leur métier et à leur environnement.

Ainsi, chaque gamme représente une expertise dans son domaine spécifique et apporte une réponse appropriée et ciblée aux exigences opérationnelles des différents secteurs.

Fort de cette réussite, Preventex continue son développement grâce à sa capacité à innover, créer et produire ses propres modèles et collections, via son approche industrielle originale ; ainsi, Preventex a construit un réseau de partenaires sélectionnés et aux savoir-faire complémentaires, lui permettant de répondre dans des délais courts à des demandes variées.

Preventex offre une large gamme de produits destinée à équiper tout type de personne ayant besoin d’un uniforme.

Conformément à sa vision fondatrice, et toujours avec la volonté d’offrir le meilleur service possible à ses clients, Preventex a obtenu la certification qualité ISO 9001 et vise en 2018 la double certification d’entreprise « sécurité du travail/environnement »(conformité aux normes internationales ISO18001/ISO14001).Nous pensons que ce contrôle indépendant, couvrant les aspects essentiels d’une bonne gouvernance, apportera à nos futurs (et actuels) clients une confiance renforcée, et aura valeur d’exemple pour nos partenaires.

Preventex s’est construit avec la conviction profonde que le « capital humain » est devenu un enjeu majeur de la compétitivité et de la performance collective, et que, c’est en respectant ses employés et en allant au-delà des attentes de l’ensemble de ses partenaires qu’elle réussira durablement.

Un vêtement intelligent E-WEAR

En matière d'innovation PREVENTEX travaille sur le développement du vêtement intelligent et connecté pour différents secteurs (sécurité, sureté, santé, etc.) en étroite collaboration avec des laboratoires internationaux dans le domaine des capteurs textiles et de l’intelligence artificielle.

Nos travaux nous ont permis d’aboutir à plusieurs innovations de rupture, notamment pour l’analyse de l’activité et la sécurité de la personne.

Ce vêtement innovant sera disponible sur le marché au début de l’année 2019.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Primera reunión de tiempo después de chatear en línea

La tecnología siempre ha estado allí para facilitar la vida de las personas. De hecho, gracias a la tecnología, el mundo de las emociones también ha sido conquistado. No trates de pensar sucio, lo que estoy diciendo es la conexión de amor que puede ocurrir a través de sitios de citas en línea y salas de chat o desde las redes sociales.

Gracias a estos sitios web, redes sociales y el chat, las personas han tenido una mejor oportunidad de encontrar a su pareja. Esto se debe a que las personas tienen la oportunidad de estar conectados dondequiera que estén. Todas las diferentes culturas y estilos de vida pueden reunirse con un simple clic del teclado. En resumen, una persona tiene una mejor oportunidad de conocer a su pareja debido a la mayor cantidad de citas. También es más fácil conocer gente en línea gracias a los sitios de citas y salas de chat en línea.

Después de conversar un rato y conocerse, sería natural reunirse. Sería una relación bastante superficial si ambos están felices de estar siempre charlando. Ambas personas pueden estar realmente buscando a alguien con quien hablar.

Encontrar el amor a través de Internet ofrece las dos partes para intimar de inmediato. Debido a la percepción que has construido sobre ti y la otra persona, conocerse se vuelve muy difícil. Esto se debe a que la percepción que le has dado durante el chat no podrías ser realmente tú. Ambos tendrán mayores expectativas de quién es realmente la persona real.

Otro problema que el chat en línea podría presentar es la confianza de una persona. Dado que es más fácil hablar en línea, una persona que es muy tímida puede tener dificultades para mantenerse al tanto de quién es realmente.

Cuando también nos reunimos por primera vez después de largos períodos de conversación que podrían durar hasta altas horas de la madrugada, es posible adaptarse. Ambos tendrían que darse cuenta de que sería más difícil hablar sobre la vida real debido a ciertos otros factores involucrados. Ahora ambos son capaces de ver los gestos de la persona. Esta será la parte más difícil que tendrías que superar. Una vez que hayas pasado esto, el resto será más fácil.

Sin embargo, es recomendable reunirse más temprano que tarde. Al reunirse antes en las etapas de chat, esto evita que ambas personas tengan expectativas más altas. Esto también ayuda a ambas partes a decidir de inmediato si son mejores amigos o si continúan desarrollando la relación. Esto ayuda a ambas partes a evitar decepciones y angustias.

Si estás buscando pareja y estas en la ciudad, entonces aprovecha y encuentra relaciones ocasionales en Alicante

Friday, November 16, 2018

How to Find a Perfect Coworking Space for You

Gone are the days when you’d to let a 250-sq-ft private space for your office. Today, coworking spaces continue to gain remarkable traction – and with good reason. They offer all the advantages of a home office with the added benefit of being around like-minded startups, freelancers and entrepreneurs.
With nearly 2 million people expected to hop onto the coworking bandwagon by the close of 2018, finding the right one for you and your business is a big decision that should not be taken lightly. Fortunately, there are a lot of services which could help you to find the perfect fit. As an example, you can use for finding the perfect coworking space for you.
Here’s a handy step-by-step guide to help make the entire process a breeze.

Use Location to Find Coworking Near You
If you’re looking to zero in on coworking communities near you, the location can come in especially handy. It helps you view and choose coworking spaces that are convenient for you. After all, you will have plenty of time to focus on your business when you keep the commute short.

Use Location to Find a Coworking Place in Downtown or Any Other Particular Area
If you’re not interested in coworking buildings in your neighborhood, you still use location filter. It’ll help you find available coworking spaces in Downtown or any other specific area of New York. There is a cool option to do this. You can click on target icon and HQS will identify your location automatically.

Use Filters to Find a Perfect Price or to Specify the Size of a Team
What’s your price range? Are you looking for space for just you or a team? You can easily use team size and price filters to narrow down your search.

Use Filters for Categories
What does the actual space offer? Do you need a shared desk, private office or a meeting room? Use categories filters to find coworking spaces that offer just what you and your growing business needs.

Use Filters for Amenities
There is a myriad of tags that allow you to see coworking places that offer exactly what you are looking for. Whether you’re looking for a pet-friendly space, a place that offers showers, free snacks, locker facility, bike parking, baby feeding room or anything in between, tag filters can help you find them.

By this point, you should have narrowed down your search to a list of only 5 best coworking spaces based on your needs.

Read Reviews from Other People
Don’t dive into the coworking world headfirst. Take your time and read what others are saying about your potential coworking space. After all, they have firsthand experience of what’s like to be in that particular place. If there are negative reviews or complaints made against a place, strike them from your list.

Bookmark and Compare
Bookmark each coworking space that best matches your needs, and then do further research and comparison.

Book a Tour to See the Coworking Space
This one is a no-brainer. Set up a tour to get a feel for coworking space – meet your potential coworkers, check out amenities, and, more importantly, ask as many questions as you need.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What Singapore Accounting Services Can Offer To The Business

When you are talking about Singapore accounting services, perhaps your thoughts will only be limited to pages of spreadsheets, computers, gadgets, calculators, and lot of paperwork.

Of course, you can imagine a human accountant sitting beside a heap of accounting notes to ensure every transaction is well handled and recorded.  

The truth is they offer a wide range of services to the business owner. They have proofed to be beneficial by the fact that they give you a full accounting package at an affordable cost. By hiring Singapore accounting firm, you are sure that all books of account will be updated in real time, go for an experienced firm which has been in the industries for some time to avoid any possible delay. 
Following is the glimpse of what you can expect from the Singapore accounting firms to perform for you: 

Bookkeeping Services:  Bookkeeping services refer to the basic and everyday accounting roles such as creating invoices for customers and preparing for their statements. Singapore bookkeeping service providers are also responsible for collecting debts and paying bills and reconciling bank accounts. The virtual bookkeeping service providers have the most professional accountants who can well manage your books by ensuring the accuracy of all business records. 

Payroll Processing:  Your payroll processing is another important task that you can perform via online accounting payroll services. By outsourcing your accounting jobs you can rest assured that your entire payroll would be managed well by the experts who have real experience in this field.
 Your payroll is the most important thing since your employee satisfaction mostly depends on it. The payroll service providers not only help you process payroll data in a cost-effective way but also help you manage other important tasks related to the payroll, for example, tax deductions, leave adjustment, bonuses, incentives, salary deduction etc. 

Accounting Services:  The basic accounting services of your everyday needs can also be managed by the virtual accounting companies. As a business owner, you may have many different financial transactions to perform.

For example, payments and bills, annual turnovers, debts, credits, journals, penalties, profits etc. Handling all these financial transactions could be rather difficult and costlier if you want to manage the whole thing by hiring an in-house team of accountants.

Hiring Singapore accounting service providers can help you solve all these problems and will definitely save you a headache. The virtual accounting service provider will not only keep track of your financial obligations, but the company can also prepare checks for you to sign and have them mailed to you. However, it is important to limit the access to your bank accounts as well as your financial data in order to maintain the security of confidential data. 

Accounting services Singapore can actually help you save your time and money. Most of these companies offer you service on a contractual basis and hence, they are dedicated to what they offer. Unlike the in-house accountants, you don’t need to pay the extra money or incentives.

It is also easier to manage an outsourced accounting service than managing a team of in-house staffs. Hence, these Singapore accounting service providers could be the best ally for your business.

10 Anson Road #16-12,International Plaza,Singapore 079903

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Online gambling laws in the USA

The main crux in US online gambling laws comes from the states themselves. The US Government has passed the torch onto the states to decide for themselves whether online casino gaming is legal on a state-by-state basis. To date, only New Jersey, Delaware and Nevada have made online casino gaming legal (under certain conditions) although other US states are thinking of making the move in the future and weighing up their options. Despite that, many US states (particularly the southern ones) remain vehemently opposed to online casino gambling or gambling in general. So finding an online casino USA can really vary from state to state.

Of those that have legalised online casino USA gambling, there are certain conditions which are applied, as mentioned. For starters, players must reside inside the state, and they can only play at online casinos which are legally licensed by that state’s gambling commission.

Of course, there are ways to get around the US ban. It is not a total blanket ban, therefore most ISPs (internet service providers) in the US do not prohibit access to offshore casino sites. This does provide players in the US with a number (a rather significant number) of offshore casinos which they can access. But, what is an offshore casino?

Offshore casinos are gambling domains which are not located in the United States and are not licensed by any US gambling commission, but still offer their services to players in the country. Many of these deliberately target US players and ensure that customer support and US banking options are friendly for American players. Despite their technical illegality, there is no punishment for US players who decide to play at offshore casino sites, so many millions of Americans do just that.

Banking options used in online casino USA

The banking options for US players are a lot trickier. The Federal Wire Act is technically still in use, which means that banks are usually forbidden from processing any transactions which involve online gambling. There is nothing to stop US players from depositing at offshore casinos but withdrawing from them via credit card has proven difficult in the past.

Instead, many American players will choose to use payment methods such as wire transfers, e-wallets (to a certain extent) and cheques to take out their winnings. A good number of American online casino players are also turning to bitcoin as a way of being able to deposit and withdraw anon. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How Fast is Fiber Internet really?

Have you ever seen one of the old cartoons where an object or animal flies by the character so fast that it literally leaves a trail of dust? Immediately an accident-prone coyote and a speedy road runner may pop into your head. From childhood, we are conditioned to be fast at everything. Even the television shows we watch tell us that it is better to be fast. We live in a fast paced world and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon – it’s actually quite the opposite. As technology improves and we come to depend on the internet for business and leisure, we need access to the fastest network speeds. Faster internet with fiber is available now.

There are so many advantages to having a fiber connection for your business. Your productivity, efficiency, and profits will improve and continue to improve as your business grows.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

2018 High Tech Electric Skateboard By OwnBoard Currently Ranked the Best to Own

For Immediate Release  Media Contact

Classic 2018 high tech electric skateboard by Ownboard now ranks the best to own and is currently available for sale across the globe at an affordable price.


It has been an incredible year for 'OwnBoard' as they’ve grown their customer base as well as a fast growth in providing quality products to its clients across the globe. And this has paid off immensely as the company CEO announced that the company’s high tech electric skateboard have earned a place among the best to own by consumers in 2018.

Having adequate knowledge about skateboards and its functions is one important factor one should consider when trying to buy a skateboard and when it comes to ensuring fast and accurate delivery service, the appropriate programmed tools is the code which OwnBoard operates.

Over the years skateboards have become a reliable and affordable form of transportation. Currently the latest craze is the 2018 high tech electric skateboard which is faster, durable and 100% efficient. An electric skateboard reduces travel time and this costs an average of one-tenth the overall costs of a car. Due to the many stops required by public transportation an electric skateboard enables individuals arrive their destination quicker, thereby avoiding traffic tie-ups.

“In looking for a quality skateboard, we take several things into consideration such as one that will offer fast, reliable and efficient skateboarding service, unfortunately this often leaves us with a price tag that is not achievable, we wanted to change that and so the high tech electric skateboard was created” said the CEO OwnBoard.

At OwnBoard they make sure their products are well redefined for customers to receive the best and brightest electric skateboards. OwnBoard is the world number provider of motorized and electric skateboards at an affordable price rates.

The 21st century has seen electric skateboards gaining consistent popularity as an alternative to bicycles and other vehicles for convenient, reliable and affordable transportation. Also there’re multiple factors to consider when selecting an electric skateboard this includes extensive lifespan, longevity, durability, speed and range along with maneuverability. This outstanding features makes these product a sought after in the world today.

Get covered today with 2018 OwnBoard high tech electric skateboard and experience classic skateboarding.

About OwnBoard

OwnBoard is an established online store based in Hong Kong, China. The company is a multi-capable seller that provides complete electric skateboards, parts and accessories to consumers worldwide. Its mission is to provide customers with the best quality products with a low price rate and excellent customer service 24/7.

For more information and purchase visit or send an email to

Saturday, August 25, 2018

How to make $200 fast with Online Surveys

Sometimes life sneaks up on you, and you desperately need $200 fast, but you don’t really want to sell your body just yet.

Maybe your bank account is overdrawn, or your rent is past due.

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

And thanks to technology, it’s easier than ever to make quick cash.

Keep in mind that there may be other, longer-term ways to make money from home, such as teaching English to Chinese students from your laptop, but with online surveys, you can do it faster:

But first watch this video:

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Security Vacancies : How To Find The Right One For You

With security being high on the agenda, the market is expanding rapidly, meaning there are plenty of security vacancies available for the right candidates. Utilising a range of skills and ensuring that no two days are the same, a career is security can be exciting and rewarding.
When it comes to security vacancies, the options are seemingly endless. From in-house security teams, business to business security offerings as well as professional solutions such as consultancy, technology and advisor roles; you can find the perfect role for you. So, what do you need to do to find your perfect security vacancy?

Four Steps To Finding The Perfect Security Vacancies

1.       Decide on your specialism
The security industry is vast, so it is important you focus on the skills and experience you have to select the right types of security jobs that are best suited to you. It is best to think about this from the perspective of what you can offer to the role and how fulfilling that will be for you.

2.       Get searching
SJC123 is the ideal platform to help you find hundreds of security vacancies. Once you sign up to SJC123, you’ll have your own personalised dashboard, making it easier to search for the jobs best suited to your requirements. You can quickly see the most recent postings as well as the posts most related to your desired profession and job title.

3.       Build your network
Many employees and recruiters will scour social media pages when selecting their candidates. Make sure your social media profiles are ones to be proud of. Using professional platforms such as LinkedIn can help to show your standing in the industry and make your security career shine.

4.       Keep your CV up to date
During your job search, you may add further qualifications or undertake short-term roles to enhance your experience. Make sure employers know all of this information by always keeping your CV up to date. Furthermore, you should tailor your CV to suit every job application to really impress your recruiters and potential employers.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Dreaming is a universal human experience that few rarely miss out on at least at some point in their lifetime. Have you ever awoken in the middle of the night thinking you were somewhere else or doing something other then lying in your bed? Dreams can seem and feel as real as the existence of our everyday lives. The human body is at times very sensitive to dreams and this is clearly evident through examples of people screaming and talking, swinging body parts and sweating all because of reactions to various eyes closed adventures.

Sleeping people can perform various tasks that otherwise would not be possible in an awake state. Dreams are constantly being studied and their mystery and open interpretations cause great intrigue and insight for the human mind. One dreaming category that is well researched and respected is lucid dreaming. After we look at the general definitions and theories of lucid dreaming and some of the various categorical branches, hopefully we will be better prepared to conquer and understand our interactions with the mind while we rest from the world.

what is lucid dreaming

Lucid dreaming is an extremely interesting subject matter still in its infancy in regards to total comprehension. Lucid dreaming in its most basic form is when a person becomes conscience of their dreaming.

When dreams become graspable or lucid, the participant can interface with dream objects and create fascinating visual feats and imaginary encounters. Lucid dream landscapes often present themselves as lifelike and authentic.

Based on self-awareness and mental control, there are various levels of skill and capabilities associated with lucid dreaming. Most agree that lucid dreaming can get underway in a few different manners. A dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) is when in the midst of a dream the person sleeping identifies he or she is in fact in a dream. A wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) is an attempt to transfer from awake to asleep through deliberate thought. Finally one can begin to try and dream lucidly through a mnemonic-initiated lucid dream (MILD) which basically turns to self coaching and lengthy pre-sleep preparation to assure success within their next sleep and dream cycles. Now that we have a workable background on lucid dreaming we can branch out and review some of the various fascinations and topics revolving around the concept.

First noted by Dutch Psychiatrist and writer Frederik van Eeden, the lucid dream has come a long way since its early nineteenth century introduction. Such early discussions have spurred a gamete of lucid dream categories, techniques and ideas. The lucid dreaming community studies such dream related attributes and accessories as signs, signals, reality checks , controls, navigations, journals, workbooks and dream dictionaries.

As dream induction and manipulation becomes more advanced and our abilities to start and stay lucid increase so to does the world of dreams. Other relatable topics include dream recalling, stages of sleep, ancillary drugs, hypnosis, meditation, REM and a variety of other dream associated ponders. Lucid dreaming is a vast field intersecting with many educational fields and is still very much growing and changing.

Regardless of what lucid dreaming avenue you decide to take, having a solid knowledge sphere will allow for the best chance of becoming triumphant within our sleep states. If the average person utilizes six to eight hours a day for rest, and we use an estimated average life calculation base of eighty years, then its reasonably safe to assume that humans spend around a quarter of a century sleeping during their lifetime. This is a lot of time that is often not taken advantage to the fullest extent. Lucid dreaming is one way we can try to take this extra altered time and turn the act of sleeping in our favor.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

IP search services Latin America Keeps the Online Images Legal

Marketing strategy is better by online because it reaches the whole world. However, trying to sell the products and services online will be less interesting without an image. Posting image online makes you get the high infringement risk. Everyone could steal the images and in this case, you have to find the professional IP search services Latin America to help you solve this problem.

In fact, the online images are protected by copyright. As soon as the image was published, the copyright works. The copyright procedure knows someone who is the first to publish the image on the internet. Therefore, if there is someone who posts the image without putting the name of the owner, it is a crime. IP search services Latin America helps you to get the legal online images by using some options. The first option is taking the image personally. It means you can ask the professional photographer to take the desired image and post it. The second option is you may find the legal images download, and the third option is you can use images under the creative commons license. It allows the commercial use.

You can use public domain images for after the license has expired. For example is in Brazil, you may use it after 70 years authors' dead. In Argentina, you may use the images after it is 20 years have been published. In some cases around the world, you are permitted to use someone's images online, but you have to pay to the government about it. IP search services Latin America will handle your need of images while it is in Latin America. Since every country has its own responsibility, you should find the appropriate search services.

Brazil has its weapon to handle the cybercrime, especially about the cyber copyright. It seems complicated, but the fact is not like the complicated documents showed. It is different to trade dress. Trade dress related to the visual effects like shape, colour, and packaging. These three aspects are real and you can touch it. It is different from the online image for sure. Using the service from IP search will not create a new regret. Even if someone steals your image, you can get the royalty from it and make it bring profits for you. Everything is about protection. Protect your Intellectual Property now and get the passive income from it in the future.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Choosing The Right Catering Equipment Suppliers For Your Business

If you’re opening a new food venture, such as a restaurant, hotel, café or catering company, then you’ll not only want cheap catering equipment but catering equipment suppliers you can trust. Similarly, if you are looking to upgrade your catering equipment, you’ll be looking for quality, ability as well as competitive prices. So how can your food business find the right catering equipment suppliers to suit your needs?

How To Find The Best Catering Equipment Suppliers

 1.       Experience

In order to provide their expertise, catering equipment suppliers need to have extensive experience in the industry. Suppliers who know the industry inside out will be able to offer their knowledge and provide you with the advice you need to make the right decisions. Furthermore, their experience in the industry will shape their service levels, making sure customers are always satisfied.

Cater Kitchen has extensive experience in providing catering equipment in Liverpool and across the North West of England. Businesses regularly rely on the experience and expertise of Cater Kitchen for their restaurants, bars, pubs and cafes.

2.       Delivery

In a fast-moving industry, you need a reliable company that can deliver in short time frames. Delivery should always work for the needs of the customer, and usually, this means shipments should be as soon as possible. To do this, you need a supplier who has a large stock of catering equipment and has the team and capacity to prepare items for delivery when you place your order.

Cater Kitchen will aim to get equipment delivered within days and often strive for next working day delivery. In fact, many items have premium next day delivery which is ideal for catering emergencies. Furthermore, Cater Kitchen offers free deliveries on all orders of £100 excluding VAT.

3.  Payment Options

The best catering equipment suppliers will be the ones that offer customers a range of options to suit their business needs. Some businesses may prefer to pay upfront while others may need to spread the cost, especially in the event of a full refurbishment. Leasing options are also popular for some catering and food businesses. A catering equipment supplier that can meet all needs provides trust, integrity and excellent customer service.

Cater Kitchen offers a range of different payment options as well as leasing that is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. With a vast selection of equipment to choose from and a variety of flexible payment options, Cater Kitchen is your first choice for catering equipment. Find all you need for your food business at

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Fibet, high quality anti vibration mounts

Since 1952, Fibet has manufactured high quality anti vibration mounts and isolation products for use in a wide variety of industries. Whilst we began by offering anti vibration solutions to the automotive sector, today our isolation mounts, bobbins and bushes are also used in applications ranging from marine to military, trains to turbines and HVAC to OEM.

To our clients, we are far more than a supplier. We are a provider of anti-vibration solutions, helping them overcome design challenges via our existing products, or by working with them to develop the sort of unique answers you can only find when you have more than 60 years of anti-vibration mountings experience.

That expertise, combined with an attentive, responsive personal service is what sets Fibet apart in the anti vibration mounts market.

Manufacturing capabilities

Because we are able to manufacture all our anti vibration components under one roof, we retain the tightest control over our supply chain. So whether you need standard vibration isolation mounts or bespoke anti vibration bushes, you’ll find a flexibility with Fibet that enables us to respond to your most urgent enquiries, the highest volume orders or low volume niche projects in a way that keeps piece-part prices impressively low.

Every anti-vibration challenge

We manage all our anti vibration projects in-house. That means we can help you at any and all stages of your vibration isolation product development. From conceptualisation, design and development to product compliance, validation (via life cycle or durability testing) and full volume production, we can be your full turnkey anti-vibration product partner, or simply the volume supplier of your anti-vibration bobbins and mounts. And however you choose to work with us, we work to your critical production milestones and our NPI lead times are unbeatable within the industry.

For anti-vibration mounts, talk to Fibet.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

How A PEMF Mat Could Change Your Life

Used for decades and supported countless research papers and clinical studies, PEMF therapy has been adopted by many people, from all walks of life, with great success. Improving the quality of life, reducing stress and anxiety and increasing productivity are just a few benefits of a PEMF mat.  So, what is PEMF and could a PEMF mat benefit you?

What is PEMF?

PEMF is a commonly used abbreviation for Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. However, PEMF may also be known as Low Field Magnetic Stimulation (LFMS) and sometimes Tumour Treating Fields (TTF). PEMF is used in a range of PEMF devices to deliver PEMF therapy. They work by producing pulsed electromagnetic fields around the body. These waves then painlessly pass through to damaged cells to restore the energy in the cells. The energy in the cells can then help to stimulate or promote healing.

You can consider PEMF therapy and PEMF devices as the energy and charge you need to help restore your body’s natural energy or battery. When your battery (or body) is overused or tired, then you need to replenish the energy. PEMF waves help to recharge the cells all over your body for increased wellbeing.

The life-changing benefits of a PEMF mat

1.       Arthritis – Some studies have found that PEMF therapy can alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
2.       Circulation – A study in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research has found that iMRS PEMF therapy can promote significant vasodilation which can help to improve circulation.
3.       Migraines – PEMF mats can provide short-term relief for those who suffer from migraine headaches. Exposure to PEMF reduced the number of headaches the patients in the study experienced the following month.
4.       Anxiety and depression – Studies have shown that PEMF therapy at a frequency of 4-6 Hz can help reduce the adverse reactions leading to fear, anxiety and depression.
5.       Pain relief – A PEMF mat has shown to relieve pain symptoms as well as stimulate healing which means athletes and sports players commonly use PEMF treatment.

Want to improve your health, wellness and energy with a PEMF mat?

Lifemat is a specialist PEMF therapy provider. We offer expert advice and a range of advanced treatment options using PEMF to treat a variety of ailments and deliver as many benefits as possible. Find out more about PEMF therapy and how a PEMF mat could benefit you by getting in touch with Lifemat.

Friday, July 13, 2018

IP legal advisors Latin America Help You in Patent Granted

Someone who needs IP legal advisors must have something to protect legally. It must be intellectual property products or services and it means a patent. When the patent expires, the protection ends and the inventions will be the public domain. It is known as off patent and when it happens in Argentina or Brazil, you need to get IP legal advisors Latin America to help you to be the new owner and make the patent becomes available for commercial. How is a patent granted? Here we go to the process of it. Before you know the detail of it, it is better to let yourself on preparing the detail description of the Intellectual property you desire. This is the best thing you can do to fasten the process of getting a patent granted. Whether in every country there will be a different rule, but the general process is same.

The first thing you should do is filing a patent application. It is contained with the title of the invention and including the background and a description of the invention, but all of them should be in clear language and enough detail. The descriptions and visual materials like drawing or diagrams could describe more. IP legal advisors Latin America will help a lot to prepare it. as long as the invention must fulfil some conditions and show the element of novelty. The subject should be patentable. However, in some countries, commercial methods, plant or animal varieties, scientific theories, and mathematical methods are not the part of patentable and cannot get patent. The institution who can grants patent is national patent offices or regional offices.

IP Legal advisors Latin America understands the whole you need to get the pattern. Even if you have to give a great translation or to win the court, teh advisors know how to deal with it. Therefore, it is good to let the application and procedure to get patient in the right hand. Knowing some legal advisors will help you to get the legal license and preparing the file to register. The faster time to register, the faster time to get profits. It means you have to prepare everything first and let the advisors do the rest. Consumers will buy your product in Latin America and avoid the competitors. It is because competitors cannot sell the same products as you. Therefore, your asset is protected and it will be a brighter future. Although many perspectives show it is not a good thing to have commercials in Latin America, some facts show the different point of view.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Why Choose Professional Stone Cleaning London?

With buildings in London having such character, history and architectural brilliance, it is essential to maintain their beauty. One of the best ways to preserve the stonework in London is through professional stone cleaning. At City Stone UK, our skilled and experienced stonemasons provide expert professional stone cleaning London so that you can always achieve the desired look for your property.

The benefits of professional stone cleaning London

  • There are many benefits and reasons for choosing professional stone cleaning London for your outdoor stonework. These may include;
  • ·         Add value to your property
  • ·         Add life to the stonework through restoration rather than repair
  • ·         Create a barrier against dirt
  • ·         Provide a protective seal against rainwater
  • ·         More attractive stonework
  • ·         Provide a great first impression.

How professional stone cleaning London works

Whether commercial or residential, listed or buildings of interest, every stone cleaning job is completed with expert care and attention. Experienced stonemasons will first conduct a site assessment to determine the best method of cleaning. The ideal cleaning method will depend on the type of stone and well as the level of dirt.

For gentle, yet effective cleaning, steam cleaning is a popular choice. This method is acceptable to use on listed builds and facades as well as being useful when cleaning natural stone and marble. For stonework that is not able to handle saturation, then a nebulous spray treatment could be chosen. Nebulous sprays work by softening the dirt so that it can be removed with special tools.

City Stone UK also offer chemical-free cleaning using a JOS system which can remove dirt, grease and sulphur deposits. It is also the perfect choice for stonework that is intricately carved or fragile.

When choosing a professional stone cleaning service, it is vital to find a professional company with the experience of working with stone. Damage to stonework can be costly to repair, especially with listed facades and buildings. Make sure you employ a company with the expertise and commitment to work with care and attention to protect your stonework and save you money.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

How To Find The Best E Cigarettes and Best E Liquid

With so many different e cigarettes and e liquid on the market, it can be difficult to know which ones are the best, and which ones are right for you. The best way to determine the best e cigarettes and best e liquid for your needs is to understand the different features. Therefore, you can search for products that have the features you are looking for.  Not sure which features you need? Here are just some of the highlights of the best e cigarettes so you can find the perfect model for you.

Features of the best e cigarettes and best e liquid


Low wattage e cigarettes can give be unfulfilling. Most e cigarettes will have a maximum power of 75 Watts which will deliver a satisfying inhalation. In terms of vaping, the higher-powered device you choose, the bigger the vaping clouds you will produce and potentially more satisfying. However, for most users, e cigarettes with a wattage of up to 80 Watts will suffice.

Child Lock

If you have children or are often around children, then a child lock can help to protect them should any kids get their hands on your e cigarette. Most devices will have a lock on them, but some manufacturers go a step further to offer a purpose designed child lock for your peace of mind.


Many manufacturers are producing powerful e cigarettes which are bulkier. Big and bulky devices will often have a bigger battery and therefore a longer charge. However, a slimline e cigarette may be more convenient to carry around. When choosing the best e cigarettes and best e liquid, balance the length of a battery you would like with the weight and size of the device you are willing to carry around.

Discover the best e cigarettes and best e liquid at evapo

Want to find the best e cigarette for you? Explore our extensive range of quality e cigarettes and e liquid at

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

La ciencia desmiente mitos sobre las relaciones

Incluso las personas esclarecidas y racionales pueden cometer algunos deslizamientos y tener algunos tipos de pensamientos con un poco de preconceptos sobre las relaciones amorosas. La ciencia, sin embargo, viene para intentar derribar esos mitos de una vez por todas y así puedas lograr tener citas y relaciones ocasionales Alicante o cualquier encuentro que desees.

Buscar novio en internet es para quien está en el fondo del pozo

Cuando te enteras de alguien que conoció a su novio o novia por Internet, esa pequeña voz en tu cabeza que no siempre dice cosas racionales puede murmurar: "No sabía que él/ella estaba tan desesperado.
Pues puedes informar a la pequeña voz que ella no podría estar más equivocada, varios estudios muestran que buscar una pareja en Internet no es la última medida que sólo alguien muy desesperado tomaría. Por otra parte, estudios muestran que una de cada cinco personas que usan sitios de relaciones terminan casándose con la persona que conocieron en línea.

El feminismo acabó con el romance

Otro mito es que desde que las mujeres pasaron a ser independientes, no les gustan más actitudes románticas. Sólo porque defiendes la igualdad entre los géneros no significa que no les guste una hermosa cena a la luz de las velas más que simples relaciones ocasionales Alicante.
Un estudio defiende que las mujeres que se identifican como feministas tienen más posibilidades de estar en una relación heterosexual romántica que aquellas que no se ven así. El mismo estudio dice también que hombres con parejas feministas relatan mayor satisfacción sexual que hombres con parejas no feministas.

Los Gamers nunca van a salir

La imagen de aquel gamer que no sale de la habitación ni para comer y es demasiado tímido para conversar con mujeres ayuda a mantener este mito en pie. Pero la verdad es que hay varios tipos de gamers, desde el adicto a World of Warcraft hasta el que prefiere divertirse con Guitar Hero. Por cierto, el noviazgo entre gamers se ha convertido en una cosa cada vez más común ya que son muchas las parejas que se conocen a través de juegos online.
Si desechas estos mitos puedes ingresar en el sitio de citas online y prepararte para comenzar a tener encuentros y relaciones ocasionales Alicante siempre y cuando puedas manejarlo con los consejos que puedes encontrar aquí, para tu mayor beneficio y satisfacción.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Reconoce los signos de una relación abusiva y obtén ayuda

La violencia doméstica y el abuso pueden sucederle a cualquiera, sin embargo el problema se pasa por alto, se excusa o se niega. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando el abuso es psicológico, más que físico y en relaciones como amigos o amigas con derecho a roce y más del tipo casual.

¿Qué es violencia doméstica y el abuso?

Cuando las personas piensan en el abuso doméstico se enfocan en la violencia doméstica. Pero el abuso doméstico ocurre cada vez que una persona en una relación íntima o matrimonio intenta dominar y controlar a la otra persona. La violencia doméstica y el abuso se usan con un único propósito: ganar y mantener un control total sobre ti. Un abusador no "juega limpio". Los abusadores usan el miedo, la culpa, la vergüenza y la intimidación para desgastarlo y mantenerte bajo su control.

La violencia doméstica y el abuso no discriminan

Ocurre dentro de todos los rangos de edad, antecedentes étnicos y niveles económicos, y aunque las mujeres son más comúnmente victimizadas, los hombres también son abusados, especialmente verbal y emocionalmente. La conclusión es que el comportamiento abusivo nunca es aceptable, ya sea que provenga de un hombre, una mujer, un adolescente o un adulto mayor. Mereces sentirte valorado, respetado y seguro, así frecuentes relaciones casuales, seas amigo o amigas con derecho a roce o cualquier otro tipo de relación en donde te involucres con una persona.

Señales de una relación abusiva

Para determinar si tu relación es abusiva, responde las preguntas a continuación. Cuantas más respuestas afirmativas, más probable es que estés en una relación abusiva.

Tus pensamientos y sentimientos internos

·         ¿Sientes miedo de tu pareja la mayor parte del tiempo?
·         ¿Evitas ciertos temas por miedo a enojar a tu pareja?
·         ¿Sientes que no puedes hacer nada bien por tu pareja?
·         ¿Crees que mereces ser lastimado o maltratado?
·         ¿Te preguntas si eres el que está loco?
·         ¿Te sientes emocionalmente entumecido o desamparado?

Comportamiento degradante de tu pareja

Tu pareja…
·         ¿Te humilla o grita?
·         ¿Te criticar y humilla?
·         ¿Te trata tan mal que te da vergüenza que tus amigos o familia lo vean?
·         ¿Ignora o deja de lado tus opiniones o logros?
·         ¿Te culpa por su propio comportamiento abusivo?
·         ¿Te ve como una propiedad o un objeto sexual, en lugar de como una persona?

Comportamientos violentos o amenazas de tu pareja

Tu pareja…
·         ¿Tiene un temperamento malo e impredecible?
·         ¿Te lastimó o amenazó con lastimarte o matarte?
·         ¿Amenaza con llevarse a tus hijos o dañarlos?
·         ¿Amenaza con suicidarse si te vas?
·         ¿Te obligar a tener relaciones sexuales?
·         ¿Destruye tus pertenencias?
Si has respondido Sí a la mayoría de las preguntas, es importante que busques ayuda profesional y legal, además sin importar el tipo de relación que tengas como casual, de larga duración, de amigos o amigas con derecho a roce, no debes permitir el abuso.