Saturday, October 28, 2017

¿Qué son los descargadores de música? ¿Descargar música de estos descargadores es ilegal?

Las canciones son bellas, siempre calman nuestras mentes y sanan nuestras almas. Nos recuerdan de dónde venimos, la vida que hemos vivido en los días en que derramamos lágrimas de alegría y de tristeza. En la vida cada vez que estamos aburridos, o por casualidad escuchamos y recordamos el primer amor con la canción que significó algo especial para nosotros y nuestra pareja, la guardamos en nuestra mente. Es una canción que nunca olvidaremos y puede ser la número uno en nuestra descarga de música mp3. La investigación ha demostrado que la relación entre la música y nuestra memoria nunca se puede describir. La música se usa en procesos de terapia donde se necesita la concentración máxima. Incluso puedes usar convertidores MP3 como, en él cada vez que tú conviertes un video a mp3, después de la conversión, se agrega a una lista de reproducción que puedes transmitir en tu navegador en cualquier momento.

La música es algo fantástico y significativo en nuestras vidas, pero ¿es ilegal descargar música de descargadores de música?

Las ventas de Mp3 están aumentando a un ritmo abrumador día tras día sin que la mayoría de los artistas obtengan lo que se merecen. La cuestión de la legalidad debe plantearse desde un punto de vista consciente, ¿qué es correcto y qué está mal? Mp3 se refiere a cualquier archivo de música que se puede descargar con eso en mente. ¿Es legal usar descargadores de música? mi respuesta es sí y no.

De acuerdo con la ley de derechos de autor, el estar en posesión de archivos de descarga de música mp3 sin la autorización del titular de los derechos de autor es ilegal, al igual que cuando se comparten o distribuyen los archivos de descarga de música mp3.

Aunque en algunos casos los artistas dan sus canciones para su descarga gratuita como una herramienta de marketing. Principalmente hacen esto cuando la canción es nueva en el mercado y no ha alcanzado el objetivo deseado.

Otro escenario legal es cuando compraste un disco y luego algunas veces se estropea. Desde que compraste el disco, tienes derecho a acceder a la aplicación de descarga de música y descargar todas las canciones de ese disco en particular, e incluso usar un convertidor mp3 si deseas.

Recuerda que siempre puedes usar el, que es un convertidor  mp3 para videos de YouTube. Puedes descargar videos de youtube a mp3 online, gratis, fácil, y sin anuncios. 

U2Player no solamente funciona como un convertidor, sino también como un reproductor de mp3 para las canciones que conviertes. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Mi marido se enamoró de otra

Hace tres meses mi marido cambió. Él siempre decía que me amaba, pero ahora no. He descubierto su contraseña en el web mail (que no me daba) y cuando leí los enviados encontré el link de ligar con chicas. Él me confesó que conoció a una mujer y que sólo fueron 8 días para que él se enamorara. Estoy furiosa, no como, sólo tomo agua. No sé si siento rabia o miedo de perderlo porque todavía lo amo mucho. Él dice que no manda en el corazón, ella está casada, tiene hijos y dijo que no había oportunidad.

Nuestro matrimonio estaba genial, no faltaba sexo, cariño y todo lo demás. Tal vez lo que faltó por mi parte fue comprensión, tolerancia. Tal vez yo no supo demostrar el amor que siento por él, y eso nos perjudicó. Quiero mucho cambiar pero no sé por dónde empezar, estoy desesperada, mi hijo necesita de mí, es él quien me da fuerzas. No logro dormir desde que lo descubrí.

¿Es posible que se enamore de otra en sólo 8 días? Él dice que el amor que sentía por mí se fue acabando poco a poco, habla que aún le gusto, quería mucho recuperar ese amor, pero la pena por haber descubierto que quiere ligar con chicas me duele.

Intento olvidar eso, superar los problemas juntos pero sin exageración, después de todo la persona engañada fui yo, no él.

Comenzaré a vivir normalmente, durmiendo, alimentándome correctamente y relajándome, pasaré más tiempo con mi hijo, organizaré juegos y actividades que nos incluya a los tres

"Muchos de los psicólogos de la psicología cognitiva han probado que los individuos  pueden cambiar de afuera hacia adentro. Por ejemplo, forzarse a sonreír a carcajadas puede hacer que te sientas feliz. Este comportamiento externo causa directamente un cambio de humor. El comportamiento exterior puede afectar su actitud de cierta manera y uno se sentirá de esa manera. "Eso quiere decir que si se está triste, puede cambiarlo instantáneamente. Piense en algo que te haga feliz, coloca una canción que te anime, canta, baila. ¡Decide ser feliz! El cuerpo es suyo, el cerebro es suyo, estás al mando."

No soy la culpable de que busque ligar con chicas, sé que nuestras actitudes pueden influenciar a otras personas a tener otras actitudes, pero sólo eso, influenciar, no obligar y ni tener la culpa por los demás.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Live in Europe, Residency in Croatia

If you have decided to live in Croatia, then it is important when buying a property to always be sure of your rights and title by going through a real estate agent. Because of foreigners’ increasing interest in Croatian property, most agents here are now effectively offering a one-stop-shop service with established notary, attorney, and builder contacts. Of course, it is important to establish an agent’s reputation before you commit yourself.

Education -Education in Croatia is free, and is compulsory between the ages of 7 and 15. Many children start their education at the age of 3, at pre-school, which lasts until they’re 6. Elementary school lasts for eight years, followed by four years of secondary school. At this level, schools are divided into high school, technical, specialized, and mixed curriculum schools. After completing high school, the brightest students go on to one of the country’s four universities in Zagreb, Rijeka, Split, or Osijek. Universities also offer free education, with particular emphasis on the sciences, medicine, and engineering. International schools are few, though there is the American International School of Zagreb, an independent, co-educational day school offering an educational program from kindergarten through grade 12. The curriculum is that of U.S. public schools, with instruction in English.

Learning the Language - If you have chosen to live in Croatia, then you will most likely want to learn to speak a little of the local language. You can find a number of language schools through the official tourism website: Five useful words: nekretnina: real estate; prodaja: sale; dozvola: permission; najam: rent; hvala: thank you.

Residency Permits for Living in Croatia - If you do decide you’d like to live in Croatia, you’ll need to apply for a temporary residency permit. You’ll need several official documents and a stated reason for wanting to live in Croatia. This can be related to an investment, a business, family, employment, study, or real estate rental or purchase. Having a yacht moored in a Croatian marina also qualifies as a reason for being granted a residency permit. To obtain a temporary residence permit, you need to apply in person at the local Ministry of the Interior (Ministartsvo Unutarnjih Poslova) office. A temporary residence permit is valid for one year and can be renewed. You will not be able to get permanent residency status in Croatia until you’ve held a temporary residence permit for five years. Again, foreign nationals have to apply for permanent residence with the MUP. Apart from five years of temporary residence, the only other ways you can gain permanent residency are through marriage to a Croatian citizen for at least three years, humanitarian reasons, or at the discretion of the Croatian government.

Visas and Travel Requirements - On Jan. 1, 2004, Croatia introduced new residency and entry laws for foreigners. With EU entry in mind, these are similar to the laws of existing EU member states. For a trip lasting up to 90 days within a six-month time frame, North Americans do not need a visa to travel to Croatia for tourist or business purposes. If you want to stay on in Croatia for more than 90 days, then you must have a visa. In the U.S., visas are issued by the following: Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Washington, D.C.; Consulate General in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. If you need a visa, you can present an application in person or by mail.

Residency Permits - If you do decide you’d like to stay longer than 90 days in Croatia, you’ll also need to apply for a temporary residency permit. You’ll need various documentation and a stated reason for wanting to live in Croatia. This can be related to an investment, a business, family, employment, study, or real estate rental or purchase. Having a yacht moored in a Croatian marina also qualifies as a reason for being granted a residency permit. To obtain a temporary residence permit, you need to apply in person at the local Ministry of the Interior (Ministartsvo Unutarnjih Poslova, or MUP) office. This is generally the police station. You’ll need to present a copy of your U.S. passport, two photos, a birth certificate with an apostille, evidence of health insurance, housing, adequate funding, and a criminal history report. A temporary residence permit is valid for one year and can be easily renewed. You will not be able to get permanent residency status in Croatia until you’ve held a temporary residence permit for five years. Again, foreign nationals have to apply for permanent residence with the MUP. Apart from five years of temporary residence, the only other ways you can gain permanent residency are through marriage to a Croatian citizen for at least three years, humanitarian reasons, or at the discretion of the Croatian government. The criteria for entry, residence and work of foreigners are regulated by the Foreigners Act (Official Gazette no. 130/11 and 74/2013) and accompanying laws. A third-country national, in this case an Argentinian, who is married to a Croatian national and plans to stay in Croatia longer than three months is obliged to submit no later than eight days before the three-month period is over an application for a residence card of a family member of EU citizen, which proves the right of temporary residence. The Act states that the family member shall be issued a residence card if he/she:

1. has a valid passport,
2. encloses documents proving that they are a family member,
3. does not pose a threat to public order or national security,
4. is not banned from entering and staying in Croatia.

Biometric residence card is valid for up to five years.

According to the Foreigners Act (Official Gazette no. 130/11 and 74/2013), a foreign national can work in Croatia based on work and residence permit or work registration certificate, unless the Act states otherwise. As a rule, a foreigner cannot begin working before they are issued work and residence permit or work registration certificate. Article 48 of the Foreigners Act says that an application for temporary residence of a foreigner who does not require a visa for entry into the Republic of Croatia may be submitted to the police administration or police station based on the place of the intended residence, the registered office of the employer or the place of work. According to Article 49, application for residence and work permit may be also submitted by the employer. The applicant has to enclose proof that they meet the criteria for temporary residence and work. Third-country nationals with permanent residence in an EEA member state shall be granted residence in Croatia if they:

• have a valid passport,
• have means of sustenance,
• have health insurance,
• meet the remaining criteria for temporary residence in view of the nature of the intended stay.

Third-country nationals with permanent residence in an EEA member state can submit their temporary residence application at the diplomatic mission/consular office of Croatia in the EEA member state they have permanent residence in or at the competent police administration/station in Croatia. European Union Restrictive measures (sanctions) in force (Regulations based on Article 215 TFEU and Decisions adopted in the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy) This list has been updated on 7.7.2016 (previous update: 20.4.2016) Related links: Sanctions Overview Financial sanctions: Electronic consolidated list EUROPEAN COMMISSION Service for Foreign Policy Instruments This list is subject to the legal notice at EU restrictive measures in force (updated 7.7.2016) 2/114 Introduction Article 215 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) provides a legal basis for the interruption or reduction, in part or completely, of the Union’s economic and financial relations with one or more third countries, where such restrictive measures are necessary to achieve the objectives of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). This list presents the European Union's restrictive measures in force on the date mentioned on the cover page. It comprises: • the legislative measures based on Article 215 TFEU and those based on the relevant provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Community (in the years prior to 1 December 2009: Articles 60 and 301) and • the relevant CFSP Decisions and (prior to 1 December 2009) Common Positions, including those which merely provide for measures for which no specific Regulation was made, such as restrictions on admission. In Union law Regulations are directly applicable in all EU Member States. They have general application and are binding in their entirety. EU Regulations take precedence over conflicting measures of a Member State. With a few exceptions, this list does not include: • measures decided in the framework of European Political Cooperation (prior to November 1993), • restrictions not enacted by a CFSP Decision, a CFSP Common Position or an EU Regulation based on the Articles of the Treaties referred to above, • EU decisions on suspension or termination of bilateral agreements concluded by the EU and • EU decisions on suspension or termination of cooperation between the EU and a third country. This list does not include the legislative or other measures that an EU Member State might take in response to CFSP Decisions and UN Security Council Resolutions. The CFSP Decisions and EU Regulations in this list are presented in English. They are published in the Official Journal of the EU in all official languages of the EU except Irish and all published versions are authentic. For CFSP Decisions and EU Regulations published after the date mentioned on the cover page, please consult the Official Journal of the EU. In many European countries where ius sanguinis is the general guideline for citizenship, ancestors from that country will significantly help you obtaining citizenship. Alternatively, you might be coming from a former colony or comparable cases (e.g., have Irish grandparents, which could get you EU citizenship). But you did not mention anything about those options, so I will suppose that this is not the case here. In general, you need to establish residency in your target country first and this might prove the main hurdle on your way to a EU citizenship. Marriage or finding a sufficiently high-paid job are your best shots. Substantial financial investments (read: investing in big projects, opening businesses) are not necessary, they could however give you an easy way to obtain residency in most countries. The rules have been somewhat harmonized in the EU but they are still varying a lot and change fast so you will have to look them up. As stated, the ease of establishing residency could very well be the decisive factor at any given point in time (e.g. depending on the different countries' current job markets etc.).

Passport and Croatian citizenship - Many agree that in almost all the countries of Europe today, in the current geopolitical situation, it is very advantageous to have dual citizenship, especially if it is allowed by law. Most people think that it is Croatia belongs to one of the best countries in which to quickly and without any difficulties can become a citizen and get a permanent place of residence. Is it so? Try to understand. In this country, citizenship can be obtained in such cases:

• when a child is born in the territory of Croatia,
• originally
• and naturalization.

If a person who is a national of the Republic of Croatia, is also a citizen of any other country, the authorities of Croatia, it will be considered solely as a citizen of Croatia. Croatian citizenship by descent - The origin of citizenship of this country can be purchased in the following cases:

• when both parents at the time of birth of the child, had the nationality of that country;
• when at least one parent of a child at birth is a citizen of Croatia, if he was born on the territory of Croatia;
• when at least one parent at the time of birth of the child is a citizen of Croatia, and the other parent may have the citizenship of another country or is stateless, and the child was born in another country;
• when at least one parent at the time of birth of the child, even if the child was born in another country but registered in Croatia or in the Croatian embassy of another country its nationality, is a citizen of Croatia.

If the child - a citizen of any other country or is stateless, then it may become a citizen of Croatia, if it is adopted or adopted a citizens of this country in accordance with the Croatian legal framework.

Croatian citizenship by birth - Croatian citizenship can acquire a person born in its territory, provided that at the time when the application was made, it was registered, and the last 5 years of permanent residence in the country. Citizenship by naturalization – immigrants

Emigrant (is the person to travel outside of Croatia for permanent residence abroad), as well as his descendants may become citizens of Croatia by naturalization. However, it must comply with such a condition - the future citizen of Croatia must agree with the customs and legal framework of the Republic of Croatia, and in addition it should adopt the culture of this country. If a foreigner marries an immigrant who already has Croatian citizenship, he also has the right to obtain citizenship of that country. Croatian citizenship by naturalization - children under the age of eighteen .Children under eighteen years of age may also be a citizen of Croatia on this basis:

• if both parents have become citizens of Croatia under the same conditions,
• if one parent has received Croatian citizenship by naturalization, and the child was habitually resident in that country;
• if one parent has received Croatian citizenship by naturalization, and the second - does not have citizenship or a person with unknown citizenship and the child lives in another country. Croatian citizenship by naturalization - through marriage, a person who is a citizen of any other country, and has entered into a marriage with a Croatian citizen, is entitled to receive Croatian citizenship, but on this condition - it must have a permit, for which he will be able to have a permanent home on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. Citizenship by naturalization - certain cases, in the special case of the nationality of the country can get a foreign person in the event that a country of such person will be of particular interest. It is also a citizen of Croatia can become a person who is the spouse (spouse) of a person. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Croatia is obliged to express an opinion on the interest of the country to provide such a person citizenship. Citizenship of the country can receive foreign entity provided that:

1. If it has reached the age of eighteen and is capable;
2. If it renounce their previous citizenship or can provide evidence that renounce the citizenship of the country in which lived earlier, after it receives the citizenship of the Republic of Croatia. In the case where the foreign state does not give permission for renunciation or puts additional requirements that cannot be met, such a person is enough to give a statement to the relevant Croatian authorities that it abandons the previous citizenship after they have received the citizenship of that country;
3. If it has Croatian and Latin language;
4. If in the last 5 years prior to the filing of documents in order to obtain citizenship of the person residing in the territory of Croatia. Obtaining citizenship through employment - For employment in this country need to obtain a permit. It is issued for a certain period of time - two years. Instead, permissions can obtain a permit to conduct business activity, which is at the same time and a residence permit (temporary). But there is one problem - the need to prove the employment office that the applicant, as well as his skills are unique and probably will be very useful to the State. If you do not, you'll have to fend random underworking. Investments as a way of obtaining citizenship - Buying Property - a good option for obtaining residence permits in the country. Fortunately the prices are acceptable. If you sell an apartment in Russia, then in Croatia, you can safely buy a good apartment.

Own business as a way to obtain citizenship - If you want to immigrate to this country, and in the future to obtain citizenship, then you can move to the country on the basis of the opening of the firm. For foreign entrepreneurs, the authorities are very good. To start a business you need to submit applications to the Consulate of Croatia. To obtain a permit for commercial activities, you need to bring the business plan and the documents that confirm the solvency of (proving that you have an open account it can be a letter from the bank).

Expert Commentary: Given the nature of the taxation system and possible difficulties in obtaining Croatian citizenship and passports, considered the country can hardly be considered a good place to organize a successful business and a place for obtaining citizenship and passports. Most foreign nationals who visit Croatia for tourism, think to move to Croatia for permanent residence, and to organize a business here, not in the cellar. In addition, this opinion is heated real estate sellers who to sell to the client-tourist housing and earnings on it 3% commission, told that Croatia is very easy to get a temporary residence, and then change it to a permanent place of residence. I was lucky only to those who were able to get permanent housing before the end of 2007, because from the beginning of 2008 on immigration legislation in Croatia was very much changed - the strictest immigration conditions were imposed foreign tourists for the purpose of permanent residence.

The Enchantment of a Retirement in Croatia - Retiring in Croatia is unlike retiring anywhere else in the world… A flotilla of dazzling white yachts glides into a sheltered cove. The put-put-put of their motors is no competition for the evening choir of cicadas. The whiteness of the yachts is startling, a vivid contrast to the sea’s hypnotic palette of blues and turquoises…the deep orange roof tiles of a thousand-year-old town…the green pine woods beyond. Although many Americans know little about it, this small maritime country at the heart of Europe offers you the chance to discover the closest thing to the Mediterranean of years gone by. Unspoiled, relaxed, beautiful, and safe, Croatia is one of Europe’s loveliest treasures. Everything a discriminating visitor–or home buyer–is looking for can be found right here: crystal-clear seas, timeless fishing villages, and unspoiled beaches, Roman ruins, a pristine lake district, and medieval walled cities. Every twist and turn of the coastline serves up grandstand views of secret coves, little harbors, and calm turquoise waters. Out in the Adriatic Sea, a galaxy of islands–1,185 of them–shimmer like a cache of emeralds. The legendary Frenchman Jacques Cousteau, esteemed biologist and oceanographer, once described Croatia’s waters as the cleanest and clearest in the world. When you come here, you simply must take a boat and go out into the Adriatic–you’ll be astounded at how far down into the depths you can see. International Living can’t claim to have been the first to recommend the Dalmatian Coast as a retirement destination. That distinction goes to the Roman Emperor Diocletian (AD 245-316), the only Roman emperor ever to retire. He chose to spend his golden years in his palace in Split, where he remained until his death in 316. The Diocletian Palace was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979 and it remains at the heart of Croatia’s second-largest city. Retiring to Dubrovnik, Croatia, will allow you to enjoy your retirement in a truly unique environment
Visas for Retirees in Croatia - If you’re planning on permanently retiring to Croatia, then you must have a visa. In the U.S., visas are issued by the following: Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Washington, D.C.; Consulate General in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. You’ll also need to apply for a temporary residency permit. You’ll need various documents and a stated reason for wanting to live in Croatia. This can be related to an investment, a business, family, employment, study, or real estate rental or purchase. Having a yacht moored in a Croatian marina also qualifies as a reason for being granted a residency permit.

Health Care for Those Retiring in Croatia - All major population centers have decent health care facilities. Zagreb is the best served with a large general hospital, Sveti Duh. Private Health Insurance for Retirees - Your U.S. health insurance usually does not travel with you beyond U.S. borders. You will probably need to buy private health insurance in Croatia. Numerous U.S. and British companies provide health insurance for retirees living in Croatia.

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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Essential for traveling by car with the baby

For sure many of you have gone on vacation by car. Traveling with children can be an unforgettable experience, both for good and for bad, so it is important that you take into account what are the essential things to travel by car with the baby. 

There is a basic kit that you need to have prepared to deal with the long hours driving with the kids. Besides choosing times of the day in which they can sleep a good time, such as at dawn or at the time of the siesta, so that the trip does not become eternal, there are things you can not miss to entertain the baby or be possible contingencies.

To entertain them

When travel with a baby, if the baby is small, you can use mobile toys that are placed in the car seat. In this way, the toys hang over him and the child can stretch out his hand to touch them. They are also ideal rattles, books and soft toys that can touch and take to the mouth without problem.

Articles of hygiene, clothing and food

If you travel with a baby, the child should wear comfortable, light and breathable clothes, without zippers or elastic that tighten. Also flexible and comfortable shoes that you can remove inside the car.

You must have a change of clothes on hand if there is any liquid, stain, in case there are pee leaks or the child vomits. If it's a diaper baby, of course you have to bring a pair of diapers for the change.

Also carry wet wipes and if you prefer, also a washcloth size towel, I always take it in case you have to dry anything (or kid).

Finally, do not forget to always carry a bottle of water to drink, some cookies, and if you carry a cooler, you can take some juices or fresh yogurt drinking, always with straw to avoid spills. Take advantage of the rest areas on the road to take a snack and stretch your legs.

To make the trip more comfortable

I also wear a small cushion to support the head because I feel sorry for how they hang their head when they fall asleep ... the neck pain that has to give!

If you are a fan of air conditioning and will travel with a baby, bring some blanket too, because children are usually cold.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Me enamoré por Internet

Dos de mis amigas (una viuda, una divorciada) están casadas con hombres que conocieron a través de páginas de citas.

Una de ellas tuvo un matrimonio sensacional, y han estado casados por casi 8 años (que cumplirán). La otra acaba de casarse, pero han estado juntos por 7 años.

Esto es como cualquier otra forma de conocer gente. Cuanto más veraz te presentes  sobre quién eres realmente, mejor te irá en estas páginas de citas. Fingir ser algo que no eres es sólo prolongar una posible experiencia negativa. Ante todo en la vida lo mejor es siempre ir con la honestidad por delante, ser capaz de mostrarle al mundo lo que somos en realidad, si alguien nos ama, nos amará por nuestra verdadera esencia, no por una máscara, que a fin de cuentas, será muy difícil de mantener.

Cuando te enamoras por internet, te imaginas muchas cosas de la otra persona, por eso siempre es bueno preguntar bien, pedir fotografías y hasta vídeos, y ser claros en cuanto a nuestras intenciones, decir si pretendemos mantener una relación seria y estable; así como no queremos ser engañados, los demás tampoco.

A veces la vida puede ser injusta, y ponernos lejos de personas con las que congeniamos muy bien, personas que nos valorarían de verdad y con las que podríamos tener un gran y apasionante amor, lleno de experiencias satisfactorias. Si este es el caso, si encuentráis a alguien así, y la otra persona también siente lo mismo por ti, ¡no te rindas! Sigue tus instintos y tus sueños, reúne dinero, viaja y conócelo/a, pero ante todo, asegúrate de que la otra persona siente totalmente lo mismo y está haciendo los mismos esfuerzos por reunirse contigo, esa es una de las bases clave para que funcione cualquier relación, pero si es a distancia, más aún, puesto que hay mucho en riesgo: tus sentimientos, tu estabilidad emocional, tu dinero, tu tiempo, tus profesión, estudios, etc.

El amor es algo magnífico, algo que  nos llena profundamente, y sin lo cual no podemos vivir, encontrar nuestra “alma gemela” es algo excepcional en esta vida, pero como con todos los ámbitos en los cuales nos desarrollamos, hay que tener precaución y juicio para dar ese paso, es decir, en el amor hay que entregarse totalmente, sin reservas, pero sabiendo que estamos pisando en seguro, en firme, teniendo certeza total de que somos correspondidos y que el otro nos ama de esa manera absoluta e que nosotros también lo hacemos. Toma tus precauciones cuando conozcas posibles parejas en páginas de citas, disfruta y recuerda, el amor, más que otros ámbitos, ¡jamás debe ser algo mediocre!