Thursday, April 25, 2019

Characteristics Of Low Quality Bobblehead Dolls That You Must Avoid

Bobblehead collecting is not always cheap. With the price of custom bobbleheads that can reach $70-80 per piece, you really need to pick the supplier that can provide high-quality products for your collection. It is the same when you use the custom figurines as gifts or business promotions. Each product needs to have a high quality finish to ensure that it doesn’t give any bad image for you or your business.

Unfortunately, there are many bobblehead suppliers that are available in the market today. Many of them offer lower production prices for personalized bobbleheads with the compromise in quality. You might not notice it at first sight or you might not know it because it is your first time ordering a custom figurine. But, low quality bobblehead dolls won’t last forever.

Here are the characteristics of low quality bobblehead dolls that you must avoid:

1.   Outer Coloring With External Paints
One important factor that makes a custom bobblehead looks good is the coloring. How the maker applies colors to the custom figurine will determine its overall quality. This is especially true in bobbleheads that have colorful outfits and overall colorful vibes. When you place it on the display, the colors need to be vivid and good enough to make it stand out from your entire collection.

The best way to color the custom bobbleheads is with the clays that are used to make it. The coloring that is done using external paints will tend to wear off very quickly, and it will not be as good as when you use the clays itself as the base colors for the custom figurines.

2.   Bad Proportions With Low Details

The idea of bobbleheads is to have the custom figurine’s head bigger than the overall body. But, the proportions need to be good enough as not to create any imbalance for the custom figurines. When the custom bobbleheads have bad proportions, such as when the head is too big or too small, it will decrease the overall quality of the dolls. So, you need to find the supplier that can provide personalized bobbleheads with good proportions.

Another thing to notice is the similarity between photos and the end product. The expressions on the bobblehead dolls need to be similar to the photos provided to the supplier. If the supplier cannot provide high details for the expressions or outfits for the custom figurines, then it will not be a good collection piece for you.

3.   Low Quality Finish With Weak Materials

The finishing for the dolls also need to be done properly. The clays need to be properly baked, so that the finished products will look good and elegant. If it has a low quality finish, it won’t be good when you display it on your shelf or desk. Moreover, if the finishing quality is good, you will be able to pass it as premium quality gifts in your personal events or business promotions.

Also, the clay materials used need to be durable and not weak. The materials that make the custom bobbleheads must withstand damages when they fall. It must not be easily cracked. It must be flexible and durable, especially for the head area.

When it comes to purchasing a custom bobblehead, stay away from the low quality ones. You need to choose your supplier carefully to avoid getting products that are not according to your preferences and specifications. Also, it is important to know the regular price range of custom bobbleheads as not to fall into the trap of buying cheap products with low quality. Abobblehead Custom cheap bobbleheads from your photos.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Compras por Internet: Aspectos fundamentales para hacer un buen negocio

Hoy vamos a hablar sobre más situaciones importantísimas que usted debe atentar para que sus negocios en línea se hagan siempre de la forma correcta.

Así tenemos algunos aspectos fundamentales para hacer un buen negocio, y estos son:

Comprando con seguridad: seguridad digital a la hora de comprar

¿Todo tiene su lado bueno y su lado malo, no es así? Y al mismo tiempo que comprar por Internet es muy cómodo, fácil, se puede hacer en cualquier momento y lugar, hay también otro lado, que son los fraudes, ataques cibernéticos, baja seguridad de los sitios y tarjetas de crédito.

Entonces, adopte algunas posturas de seguridad: nunca compre en sitios desconocidos o con mala reputación en Internet; evite dejar salvos datos personales y de tarjeta de crédito en ordenadores y celulares que no sean los suyos (e incluso si es suyo, tenga cuidado); evite los vínculos de anuncios y ofertas de mariposas, pueden ser páginas falsas que van a robar sus contraseñas y hacer compras con su dinero sin usted saber; desconfíe de promociones enviadas por redes sociales (la mayoría son golpes y que se esparcen fácilmente); siempre de actualizar sus programas antivirus y de defensa de su ordenador.

¡Adopte estas medidas y estoy seguro de que sus compras serán mucho más seguras!

Búsqueda y precaución: cuida bien tu dinero

Al comprar por Internet usted debe investigar, evaluar, comparar, todo con calma y en su propio tiempo. Buscar promociones fiables, cupones de descuento, ofertas de devolución de dinero, todo ello para garantizar la mejor compra.

Evite comprar de forma apresurada, sin la debida reflexión si usted realmente quiere o necesita de aquel producto, de aquella tienda. Gran parte de las deudas surgen porque las compras se hacen en el impulso, sin planificación, con largos parcelamientos e intereses carísimos.

Además, evalúe si vale la pena comprar por el sitio o por la tienda física, para que usted no se sorprenda después con la diferencia de precios y acabe quedando en el perjuicio. ¡Cuida bien tu dinero!

Es muy común que las empresas realicen cobros indebidos cuando se hacen compras por Internet. Elementos extra, fletes doblados, precios equivocados, todo esto puede suceder. Si tiene problemas en sus compras online, entonces es muy posible que necesite un abogado mercantil.

La idea es que si usted está siendo cobrado de forma indebida por algo que no compró o que el contrato ya ha sido deshecho, y si usted ha pagado estos cargos, usted tiene derecho a la restitución en doble de esos valores. Además, a depender de la situación, también puede ser el caso de recibir indemnizaciones por daños morales.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Reasons to Deny Your Trademark

This is an inexpensive thing to register your trademark. In most of the South American countries, it can be done online. In addition, you can get help from FTO South America during the process. There are only several months to process the registration and to be concluded, you only need 18 months in Argentina and around 24 to 36 months in Brazil for it.
However, the facts that your registration could be denied cannot be doubt. Even you already use the FTO South America services, this thing could happen if there are some reasons. The first reason s when your mark is identical to another registered mark. It would be difficult to distinguish your mark if it is similar to another one. In addition, the system wants to avoid the confusion with a prior registered trademark. It could mislead the consumers. Do careful research based on the INPI database. Both in Argentina and Brazil, the INPI could deny registration. Only the owner of the trademark could oppose the registration of a sign. It happens in Europe. Ex officio only could be processed by INPI.
The second reason is when absolute grounds represent an advertising slogan. Both the Argentinian and Brazilian systems could deny it based on the Art. 1 TM Law No 22.362. FTO South America had a responsibility to announce the owner of the trademark to understand the difficulties in assessing what constitutes. The local knowledge culture and the system are essential. It means the trademark is great to register in Europe or the United States, but it is not suitable in Brazil or Argentina.
The registration is denied if the mark against the public moral. In addition, it offends the honour of people, it will automatically be rejected. The Argentinian system denies protection to something contrary to public order. To accept the principles of morality is also cannot be doubted. There was the Brazilian law consider unregistrable “Signs contrary to moral and good customary standards.” The offending of the honour and image also will be important to realize that FTO South America should notice the meaning in English or in another language. It could be Spanish or Portuguese.
Note this last reason. When the trademark consists of acronyms, names, emblems, flags, nations, government entities, regions, medals, monuments, or international organizations, it is possible for your trademark to be denied. Nickname is also denied when no consent of the owner in it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Pines personalizados para hacerte notar

Las empresas de hoy en día no quieren invertir tanto dinero en el marketing para darse a conocer, ya que creen que solamente las grandes empresas pueden hacerlo, en cierta parte tienen razón, es por ello que el existen otras alternativas interesantes para ello, se trata de los pines personalizados.

Con este tipo de accesorios se tendrá la capacidad para poder colocar el logo de la empresa para la que quieres iniciar una campaña y un pequeño slogan en la parte de abajo, de esta manera ya tendrás ese elemento que te ayudará a poder comercializar tu producto o servicios de una mejor manera para poder tener presencia diferentes sectores, así que conozcamos a continuación como se debe de realizar la misma.

Características de los pines personalizados

Dentro de las principales características que se pueden mencionar acerca de los pines personalizados sin duda alguna se encuentra que se tienen la capacidad de acerca a los clientes hacía las marcas, ya que se trata de accesorios que las personas utilizan a diario en su vestuario, ya que las llevarán a todas partes, ya que pueden utilizarlo en las sudaderas, gorras, mochilas y una gran cantidad de vestuario.

Uno de los detalles más importantes es que estos pines personalizados como su nombre lo indica se pueden personalizar de la forma en que mejor les convenga, es decir que pueden agregarle el color que se necesite, por ejemplo, podría ser una tonalidad verde para que llame la atención de varias personas, pero también tiene que combinar muy bien con el color del logotipo de la empresa que ha mandado a fabricar los mismos.

Por otra parte, uno de los elementos también de mucha importancia es el slogan que se va a colocar en el mismo, el cual puede ser el de la misma empresa que se puede colocar en la parte de abajo, pero también se puede sustituir por alguna frase motivacional.

Cómo distribuir los pines

Otra de las grandes preguntas que muchos usuarios se hacen es el de cómo poder distribuir los pines personalizados, en realidad la respuesta es bastante sencilla, ya que se pueden hacer campañas publicitarias en donde puedas regalar los pines, de esta manera los clientes se sentirán satisfechos y contentos del regalo.

Esta es una de las mejores maneras de ganar nuevos clientes, ya que iniciarán a conocer tu marca, y lo mejor de todo es que no tendrás que invertir una gran cantidad de dinero.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Exponga sus productos con satisfacción al cliente

"¿Qué hemos hecho generalmente sobre la satisfacción del cliente?" Parece ser una pregunta bastante común, ¿verdad? El diccionario define la satisfacción como "la condición de satisfacción para un servicio o producto". En lo tenemos. Entendemos que los consumidores tienen opciones y ese es nuestro objetivo para asegurarnos de elevar el nivel.

En lugar de satisfacer a todos los clientes que nos visitan, hacemos lo que podemos con sugerencias, consejos, tendencias, productos sorprendentes de última generación ... etc. Queremos que la experiencia de cada persona sea única. También sabemos que las primeras impresiones duran. La primera experiencia del cliente que tienes es como estar en una primera cita. Si todo va bien, es probable que tengas un segundo. Si vas horriblemente, nunca regresarás. Nuestro objetivo es asegurarnos de que obtenga lo que desea con un brazalete hecho a medida para sus necesidades.

Ofrezca soluciones: usted sabe lo que realmente funciona, no solo las pulseras. Queremos que sus eventos tengan éxito, queremos que pueda impresionar a sus clientes. Para hacer esto de manera efectiva, tomamos en serio el término "lo que es necesario". Desde el día de la impresión y el envío hasta las pulseras totalmente personalizadas, ¡Lo cubrimos todo!

Tiempos de respuesta rápidos: ya sea que se comunique con nosotros por teléfono o por chat para obtener ayuda, nuestro objetivo es asegurarnos de que reciba una respuesta lo antes posible. Centrarse en nuestro tiempo de respuesta es una de las cosas más gratificantes que hacemos, porque nuestro servicio al cliente es una prioridad.

Personalidad: si ha tenido la oportunidad de visitar el sitio web de, se asegurará de ver los detalles de nuestros productos, nuestro sitio web realmente refleja quiénes somos. Nos ocupamos de la industria más divertida del mundo y nos encanta lo que hacemos. ¡Esperamos que cuando lea el contenido, vea las imágenes y revise los testimonios que lo entretendrán tanto como nosotros!

Por lo tanto, eche un vistazo. Háganos saber lo que piensa. ¿Tienes una idea de cómo podemos ayudarte aún más con las pulseras de silicona? Háganos saber.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Risk Factors for Diabetes: Know Your Chance for Having the Disease

Risk factors for diabetes are factors that may increase your risk for developing certain type of diabetes. As widely known, there are three common types of diabetes. Each occurs at specific point of time. Each type of diabetes also has slightly different risk factors. However, they also have some similarities in common, namely the patient’s body cannot produce insulin or use insulin to process the glucose into fat or energy.

Risk Factors for Diabetes
You can prevent diabetes with lifestyle change, such as weight loss and healthy diet. However, once you are diagnosed with diabetes, it will become a lifetime disease. You can also delay the progress by modifying your lifestyles. Some risk factors for diabetes cannot be modified. They include age and gender. However, some others can be modified, such as obesity and diet. The following are risk factors for having diabetes based on the type.
Risk Factors for Diabetes According to the Type
Risk Factors Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes mostly occurs in childhood, even though adults can also have it. The following are the most common risk factors for Type 1 diabetes:
·         Family History. If you have relatives with type 1 diabetes, such as father, mother, sisters, or brothers, you are at increased risk for developing it too. Anyone with family history of this disease should have blood test regularly.
·         Pancreatic Disease. Type 1 diabetes mostly happens since the patient’s body is unable to produce insulin. Likewise, diseases of the pancreas may lead to inability to make insulin.
·         Age. This type of diabetes is most common in child, teen, and young adults.
Studies also found genetics as one of the risk factors for diabetes. In the United States, for instance, type 1 diabetes is more likely to occur in whites than in African Americans or Latino Americans.
Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes
This type of diabetes is also called insulin resistance. The patient’s body makes insulin but is unable to use it. Type 2 diabetes is mostly associated with lifestyle, despite some non-modifiable risks, such as age and genetics. In other words, most of risk factors for type 2 diabetes are modifiable. They include the following:
·         Being Overweight or Obese. Excess body weight is the result of sedentary lifestyle. If you have exercise fewer than 3 times a week, or you do not have exercise at all, your risk for developing type 2 diabetes is increasing. Risk factors for diabetes are particularly higher in people who do not have healthy, balanced diet. Studies show that being overweight or obesity is the main cause of diabetes in teenagers and adults.
·         Family history. Again, if you are a child of a parent with type 2 diabetes, or if one of your sibling has it, you also have higher risk for developing the same disease.
·         Age. People over 45 years are more likely to show symptoms of diabetes. Make sure to conduct simple screening test when you reach 40 years or older.
·         Ethnic background. People of Hispanic/Latino Americans, Native Americans, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Alaska natives, and Pacific islanders are known to have increased risk for developing diabetes.
·         Certain health conditions. People with certain conditions like impaired glucose tolerance or polycystic ovary syndrome have a higher risk for type 2 diabetes. High blood pressure, high level of LDL cholesterol, history of heart disease, and depression can also increase your risk.
Risk Factors for Gestational Diabetes
As discussed in a previous post on the type of diabetes, gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy. The disease affects about 4% of pregnant women in the United States. Gestational diabetes resolves after the childbirth, but babies from a mother who has gestational diabetes have increased health risks later in their life. They include growth and development problems. Risk factors for diabetes of his type include:
·         Being overweight or obese
·         History of gestational diabetes in the previous pregnancy. Women with family history of type 2 diabetes also have higher risk.
·         Family history
·         The older a woman when she gets pregnant, the higher the risk is.
·         Ethnic background. Non-white women are found to have higher risk for gestational diabetes.
How to Manage the Risk Factors for Diabetes
The most important way to manage the risk factors for diabetes is lifestyle changes. If you identify some risk factors associated with age or family history, your only option to prevent, or at least to delay, the diabetes is to have active lifestyle. Make sure to have at least 30 minutes of exercises on most days, eat healthy, balanced diet, and keep normal weight. In addition, check your blood pressure and blood sugar regularly.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Atlanta Entrepreneur Tips

Our Atlanta entrepreneur tips are designed to help anyone develop a bold strategy. A solid foundation can make an impactful difference in business for Atlanta entrepreneurs. For instance, drafting a long-term game plan, acknowledging your weak areas, studying your competition and formulating proper business methods could propel you to the top of your industry.

Additionally, a strong network of colleges and advisers is critical for developing leadership skills needed to run a successful business. A second opinion or whisper of wisdom from seniors who have already been in your shoes, can make all the difference between brutal failure and sweet success.

Entrepreneur Success

Before we dive into some Atlanta entrepreneur tips, there is one important thing to consider. Your entrepreneur success will depend a strong support group. This group is responsible for providing you with constructive criticism with your best interest in mind. A good balance of encouragement and critical critique will guide you in approaching any number of obstacles and at the same time help you advocate for yourself when among your network.

Maintaining a support group with a variety of ideas and relative experiences is crucial as your seniors and colleges can offer time sensitive advice, encourage you through their own experience & struggles and bring different perspectives to your project. Now, let’s dive into our Atlanta entrepreneur tips.

10 Business Tips for Atlanta’s Entrepreneurs

To help you succeed, here is a list of Atlanta entrepreneur tips that help early on in any endeavor. At the bottom of each advice topic, there is a link to a relative article explaining more!

Research Your Market

When starting a local business take the time to research your market with emphasis on the criteria of that will allow you to assess the needs of your ideal client. People are different so you shouldn’t treat clients as a monolith. Practice recognizing the stages that clients are at when you are meeting them. Don’t push them to where you would like them to be, instead, adjust the solutions you provide to them.

You want your clients to be comfortable with you otherwise they won’t be your client for long. Being able to identify clients in your market will also give you leverage in negotiations as you will know if you should walk away from this client or start to build a relationship. Important to realize, you won’t be compatible with every client, so there is no need to force things.

How to do Market Research

Business Lifestyle

You are the designer of your business lifestyle. If there are things in life that are holding you back, you must make adjustments. Think of your life and career as marble that has to be hammered into a sculpture. Imagine in your mind what the masterpiece looks like and keep shaping it until it becomes real.

How to Develop a Business Lifestyle

Work With Purpose

Starting a business is exponentially harder than just working a job, so work with purpose. Successful entrepreneurs need to be multifaceted and operate well across a variety of domains: sales, marketing, finance, operations, HR, etc. In addition, creating an enterprise from scratch requires creativity, persistence and continuous learning.

For example, one of the new major skills to learn is website design using site builders such as WordPress. If you are not constantly learning, you miss out on important information that your competition will have access to. I addition, once you have the information you will need to use it in a manner distinct to your business so you stand out from the crowd.

How to Work With Purpose

Two Minds Are Better

Most people do what they can to learn by themselves, googling articles, reading books, or attending conferences when they have time. Leaders of successful businesses learn two minds are better. A coach or partner can help a business owner see things from a different perspective. You need to go to where people in your industry are congregating. Go to conferences, listen to notable speakers and attend social events at restaurants, galleries, or convention centers in your industry.

Meeting people is important and drawing from the wisdom of multiple experienced sources is how the best leaders are formed. An old proverb teaches that where there are many advisers, there is much success.

Small Business Partnership

Entrepreneur Focus

Be disciplined and organized to be able to see what makes your business thrive with entrepreneur focus. Often when researching multiple resources your judgement can become clouded from being overloaded with knowledge, which will influence your business. Prioritize your time and resources by how impactful each piece of information will be on your business.

Don’t get distracted by what is just interesting, commit to what will let you compete with other local business and what the market wants. Calendars, Note books and schedules will keep you organized so you will always know what you have to do next to reach your business goals.

How to Stay focused Entrepreneur

Client Perspective

Truly listen and empathize with your client perspective. Everyone has unique life experiences that can form a narrative that you can capitalize on so you will be the one to help the client get their own personal message across. If you don’t pause for a moment to actually listen and hear the root of the problem or pain you will miss your chance.

Really listen 80% of the time, then clarify for the next 10% of the time, and respond wholeheartedly and intentionally the remaining 10% of the time. You want people to trust your business and you as a figure head of your business.

How to relate to clients

5 Year Business Plan

It’s easy to get caught up in the hectic challenges and overbooked schedules that comes with running a business, but you have to carve out enough time to create your 5 year business plan. In addition, take note of what you have accomplished and your short comings so the contrast will reveal the long-term health of your business.

Make categories including marketing, time management, employee development, community engagement and capital development. Then use what you have reflected on to plan your next investments. Most businesses take 5 to 10 years to build. Create a 5 Year Business Plan for success.

5 Year Business Plan

Reward Yourself

You need to keep motivating factors at the front of you mind and reward yourself time to time. When you feel like you overwhelmed you need something to fall back on to maintain confidence despite the fear that things may not work out. Running a business is an ongoing experiment and failure is part of the process.

Ultimately reaching your goals will require struggle, sleepless nights and plenty of conflict. Must be remembered, set incremental goals for yourself and reward yourself when you reach them. This will help push you forward when times are hard.

When to Reward Yourself

Detailed Records

All successful businesses keep detailed records. By keeping your records in order, you’ll know where the business stands financially and put yourself in the best position to overcome your next challenge. Knowing what to refer to and knowing where it is saves you time. This Gives you more flexibility when responding to problems.

Records to Keep

Social Media

Local businesses need focus heavily on social media. Regularly posting in your community can get clients and expand your network to maximize your marketing potential. This keeps you in the front of the consumers mind at all times.

The platforms relative to your business will vary. For example, a dentist will want to have an active Facebook page with local ads flowing through their local community. In contrast, a retail store will want to maintain an active Instagram with plenty of ads running on that platform as well.

Social Media for Businesses

Atlanta Entrepreneurs

In summary, make sure to stay consistent and motivated in whatever you do as Atlanta entrepreneurs. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, decent sleep schedule and stable mind set. Your health is not worth success, but success never came without making some sacrifices. Thanks for reading our article on Atlanta entrepreneur tips.

If you have any questions about Social Media for Entrepreneurs, jump over to our other article here for accounts and personalities to model after!

Facebook Advertising Strategy

Have you ever had an amazing idea? No not like a normal cool idea, we mean like an AMAZING idea that you just can’t wait to tell the world about!
These kind of ideas keep you up at night, fill your phone notes with random details, and now all of your best friends ask you to stop texting them about it because they just don’t care.
It sounds like you need a new audience.
Much like advertising in a mall or on TV, you can’t browse the internet or go on social media without seeing some sort of ad or promotion for either an idea or a product. Specifically, Facebook ads seem to cover news feeds and constantly pop up on videos.

Facebook Ads

Facebook ads, seems too annoying to be effective, but like TV commercials, Facebook ads really work. Certainly, It is important that advertisers take the time to understand why and how to best utilize all of the options available.
To point out, there are multiple methods to promote your page and posts on Facebook. All of these methods require spending marketing dollars and varying levels of time. Below are a few methods that are widely used.
It is important to note that in order to utilize any of the internal Facebook advertising tools, you will want to verify your Facebook page. Help for this can be found here and we will be making a post on page verification later on.

Should I Advertise On Facebook?

let’s answer one simple question. Why should you learn about Facebook advertising? The most convincing factors that got us into it are:
·         It is extremely effective! You will immediately see results and analytics per post.
·         It is Cost-efficient! It is the cheapest way to currently reach your desired target audiences.
·         Advertising is very easy to do on Facebook!
The best part is, with a little research you will be advertising in no time!
As unbelievable as that sounds, it is true. let’s dive into it and find out more by discussing: how do I start?

How do I start Facebook Advertising?

Lets start with some simple options. When you create posts on your Facebook page, sometimes you’ll see a blue boost post button appear after you publish the post. The boost post button allows you to quickly create a Facebook ad using the post that you just made! Simple right?
Alternatively, you can also follow this link which will take you to the Facebook Ad center after you select “Create An Ad”.
If you are simply posting on your Facebook, here is an example below of what you will see under a new post for your page or business. 
If you are a new page owner, you may have trouble reaching a wider audience like the above picture. You may only get 1-2 likes per post which can be discouraging, however if you boost a few of your posts for a month it is not a bad idea.
Look at the results we had from boosting one post on our page.
As I have shown, it is quite easy to boost a post and get quick results. This post went for only 4 days, and the total cost amounted to under $25. The post was shared over 30 times which is great exposure for any new page.
To point out, results for boosted posts will drastically vary based on several factors.

Strategy For Boosted Posts

·         Boost 2-3 different posts advertising the same thing with different photos, text, and theme.
·         Equally important, select the minimum amount starting out for each post which should be around $10 for 10 days. In other words, $1 per day for 10 days.
·         Furthermore, analysis each post’s results 3-5 days into the 10 days with the internal metrics which are free.
·         Finally, boost your best performing post with additional funds and cancel the other two. Because, there is no need to keep the other two posts that were not preforming as well. In other words, capitalize on your best post by adding funds and letting it bring you more exposure!
You can repeat this process every time you want to advertise on Facebook to maximize your reach and get the best bang for your buck. This is the basic, do it yourself strategy.

Where Can I Find Ad Content

Here are two quick examples of Ad creation that any business can utilize. First is the platform called Promo. This is an amazing do it yourself platform that enables you to create captivating and personalized videos for your social media. It does cost, but it is worth it if you are serious about creating video based ads yourself.
The second option is a free platform called Canva. We use Canva for so many things! We even used them for the photos in this article. There are thousands of stock photos you can choose from, modify and download.
The Free version will still enable you to download pictures you create. Simply download what you make and then go into your photo editors and crop out any white space you need to remove for your ad if you do not want to pay for the transparent background option.

Facebook Audience Selection

Remember, it is important to take the time to create a new target audience for every post you boost. The details you can provide per post are the gender, age, location, and interest of your target audience. Once you have selected your audience, make sure your save them under a name you will remember.
The most important thing to realize before we get into this further is that Facebook advertising is EASY. As a result, if you spend a little time to understand it. Anyone can learn how to do it and anyone can master it and be successful!
Now let’s dive in more and discuss some of the differences in boosted post features, Page promotion features and Lead Ad Generation features.

What Are Boosted Post Features 

Boosted posts on Facebook are images, videos, or simply text that is being used to advertise or promote something specific. Any Facebook user can promote a post if it is approved by the verification process.

How to Choose a Facebook Audience

The algorithm in Facebook provides some audience options based on information from your Page. Specifically, the algorithm creates and improves your automatic audience from a combination of details, like people near your business location or people who have interests related to your Page.
Afterward, make sure to review all the details of your ad. Try to choose targeted cities or local areas with the search tool. You can pick multiple locations and even the radius around those locations of up to 50 miles.
Make sure to choose relevant locations to your targeted audience. For example, if you want to sell paddle boards, you should probably target Miami, California, and Hawaii over places like New York and Chicago.

Where To Place Facebook Ads

Placements on Facebook represent where your ad will appear. Boosted posts are shown on the desktop news feed, mobile news feed, Instagram news feed, Instagram stories or in videos on either platform. The audience network placement is very important to maximize exposure.

Ad Budget Customization

The amount you pay to boost your post is up to you. You can select a pre-populated budget or set a custom amount. At a minimum, boosted posts require a budget of $1 a day and a minimum total projected budget of $10.
Generally, your post will reach more users based on the amount of funding. Additionally, there is a projected target audience per boosted post that you can see as you set your budget per post.
Lastly, you can cancel your post at anytime and not be charged for the remaining days that you had originally selected the post to run for.

How To Schedule Your Ads

Set the amount of time you want your ad to run. You can choose from a custom duration or set a custom end date. This will not increase your budget, only spread the amount and exposure base over a longer time period.

Simple Ad Creation

The ad you create will look just like the page post it’s based on. The only difference is that your ad will appear with a Sponsored label in the top-left corner and will have a call-to-action button in the bottom-right corner if you choose to add one.
The call-to-action button should redirect users to a variety of locations that you can select. This includes external websites that Facebook approves.

Access To Insights

Finally, It would be great if you could view the results and statistics of each add. Luckily, The and ad center enables you to review your results and insights and each boosted post you make!
Finally, It would be great if you could view the results and statistics of each add. Luckily, The and ad center enables you to review your results and insights and each boosted post you make!
Pause, coffee break! Okay, continue reading.

What Are Facebook Page Ads

Simply, Facebook page ads are similar to boosted posts except it is for the Facebook pages as a whole. Specifically, this promotion is done by creating ads for your page that will help you grow the awareness and visibility of your business.
Promote a page as a quick way to reach people who are interested in your content or people who show interest in businesses like yours. In short, click the blue promote button on your page. Afterward, Facebook will prompt you with a few different options to help you grow your business. The promote button options will help connect your business to more of the people who matter to you.
As a result, make sure to check out how your ad will appear on desktop news feed, mobile news deed and the right-hand column on Facebook. typically, your ad will appear in all three formats, increasing the likelihood your ad will reach your desired audience.
Depending on your business goal, you might consider using Messenger to follow up with people who contact you after seeing your ad.F

Minimal-step Creation Process

First thing to remember, Facebook will Pull images and text to create an ad for you or you can create it yourself to your desired specifications.

Audience Suggestions

This tool provides some audience options based on information from your page. Facebook will create and improve your automatic audience from a combination of details, like people near your business location or people who have interests related to your Page.

Ad Placement

Placement on Facebook represents where your ad will appear. Similarly, It is identical to the placement for boosted post.

Set Your Own Budget

Make sure to choose how much or how little you want to spend on each ad. Unfortunately, there is not a universal cost to promoting your Page. This is because, the amount you pay will always depend on how many people you want to reach and how long you want your ad to last.

Detailed Filters

In general, you’ll have access to more sophisticated bidding and budgeting options with the ads create tool, accessible directly from your page.

Access To Insights

Finally, check out how your ad is performing every day and measure your results.

What is Lead Generation Ads

Simply, Lead generation ads are the most advanced option for Facebook advertising. They allow actions and processes that we use for identifying and cultivating potential customers for a business’s products or services.

Lead ads allow you to collect information from potential customers. This includes: names, email addresses, phone numbers and much more. At the same time, lead ads can even ask custom questions.
Specifically, we can use lead ads to collect sign-ups for newsletters, price estimates, follow- up calls and business information, making them a great way to identify potential customers and share relevant information with them in the future. Let’s discuss some of these options for Lead Generation Ads.

Contact Forms

In any event, contact form are one of the best features for businesses. Facebook prompts viewers on click to fill out a short instant form that sends you their contact info.

Contact Question Customization

Obviously, customize the questions in your lead ad instant form to tailor it to your business.

Data Download

In general, it is best to download your leads directly from Facebook. In addition, you can connect your leads to a CRM like MailChimp or Salesforce

CRM Integration

Finally, connecting to a CRM can help you download your leads faster and take real-time action on new leads. Learn more about the benefits of using a CRM.

Facebook Ads Conclusion

Now you have a basic understanding of boosted, promoted, and lead generation ads on Facebook. In summary, all three are great options for expanding your reach and engagement. For that reason, each method needs time and expertise to perfect, for more information please visit Facebook Advertising Strategy .
We hope this post helps you with all of your advertising endeavors! Thanks for visiting the Atlanta Tribe and reading about one of our Atlanta News, Atlanta Business, and things to do in Atlanta articles!