Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How To Plan Your Ideal Kitchen Extension

Many people dream of the perfect kitchen. After all, the kitchen is the heart of the home. It is used for everyday meals and social occasions. It is no wonder that the kitchen is a space that people want to improve and expand, so they can use the kitchen as more than just a place to cook, but a large, open living space.  So, if you want to improve your living space, read on for a guide to planning a kitchen extension.

1.       Measure your space

It is crucial to understand how much space you have available for your kitchen extension. If you want to avoid the hassle of planning permission, then your (single storey) rear kitchen extension must not extend beyond four meters for a detached house and three metres for a semi-detached house. This height must be less than four metres too.

It is important to assess exactly how much space you need. Remember, the bigger the kitchen extension, the more expensive the build will be.

At this stage, an architect can be instrumental in mapping out your extension, complete with the furniture. They will create a rendering that is to scale so you can make sure you’re happy with the size and layout before proceeding.

2.       Consider natural light and ventilation

One aspect that many people forget about with a kitchen extension is that kitchens will require ventilation. This could be through windows, doors, air vents or perhaps a roof window. Roof windows can be ideal for kitchens as they will allow heat and steam to disperse as they rise. They also allow lots of natural light, help to keep the room cool and remove cooking smells.

3.       Consider the style and key features

Modern to farmhouse, contemporary to country cottage, stylish to cosy; there are lots of different styles to choose from for your kitchen extension. It is wise to think carefully about the style you want and how it will fare over time. You want to make sure you don’t have to continually update your kitchen so that it stays fashionable.

Then, it is crucial to write a list of key features that you want your extension to contain. Writing a list in order of priority will help you to get the best kitchen for your needs. Furthermore, you can discover where you are willing to make compromises too.

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